10 Health Benefits Of Bay Leaves That Keep Diseases At Bay

Bay leaves, also known as bay laurel, are an ingredient that features prominently in various types of South Asian cuisines. Used in dishes like curries, soups, rice, etc. not only do they impart a lot of flavor into food, but they are also very beneficial to your health.

The latter part of that statement is not something that many people are aware of. In fact, bay leaves can provide health benefits to various areas of your body – from maintaining a healthy hair and scalp to curing indigestion and even reducing blood sugar levels (which is essential in preventing Type 2 diabetes). Certain studies have indicated that bay leaves are even strong enough to destroy cancer cells!

This is why bay leaves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. And did you know that Ancient Greeks used to crown their war heroes and Olympians with bay leaf wreaths?

Leaf headpieces aside, here’s why YOU should be adding more bay leaves into your daily meals.
