10 Yoga Postures (Asena’s) for Migraine Relief

Yoga helps ease migraine pains especially when they mess up the quality of your life. It calms down the nervous system and is a tension reliever. You can pick from a variety of asanas’ (yoga postures) such as hastapadasana, janu sirsasana, and paschimottanasana or use typical postures like padmasana, savasana, or balasana to comfort your migraines.

A striking migraine can bring anyone to their knees. According to the American Migraine Foundation, it is the 6th world’s leading cause of years lost due to disabilities.

It is also a neurological illness that can cause a person to have nausea, vomiting, flushing, pallor, and diarrhea during severe migraine occurrences. This can totally change your lifestyle as it needs constant care and attention through medication.

Therefore, anyone would do even the most unexpected things to get rid of this pain and anything that is associated in the migraine package. Although doctors may prescribe you with medicated solutions, yoga can also be one of the alternative methods to give you relief. It benefits to the extent of not only lowering the severity of the pain but also reduce the number of times it will occur.

Certain researchers have also suggested that due to yoga it could also reduce the dosage of medication you will require to ease migraine pains as well as the side effects that come along with it.

So here are the ten yoga poses which can be beneficial to the whole of migraine package:
