1. Breakfast

Starting your day off with the right foods is essential to starting your day off with the right mindset. You’ll want to look for foods that give you energy throughout the day.

– Poached Eggs on Toast with Avocado

Eggs and avocado are an unbeatable combination for breakfast! You get plenty of protein and vitamin D from the eggs, while both of these super foods contain Omega 3, healthy fats, vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium. Together, these provide you with fullness, energy, and boost your mood to boot.

You can also add a piece of grainy wholemeal toast or sourdough bread. These are the ideal form of carbs for the morning since they are low-GI, meaning they’ll give you long-lasting energy as well as fiber.

If you are someone who’s always rushing out the door (or don’t like avocados), eggs on their own are good enough too. Whip up a quick omelet or scrambled eggs on a piece of toast, or you could even pre-boil your eggs for breakfast.

– Nutty Granola with Greek Yogurt

Made with oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, granola is a quick and easy low-GI breakfast that is also great for mental health. You can eat your granola by itself or with some milk, yogurt, berries, fruit, etc. And it’s so easy because you can buy it pre-made or make a whole batch at one go according to your preferences. What’s more, granola can also be a great afternoon snack!

One thing to be careful about if you’re going for the store-bought kind, though, is to ensure it doesn’t have too much added sugar. So check the ingredients of the brand you purchase.
