– Banana Hair Mask

Tutorial: http://www.hairbuddha.net/banana-hair-mask-for-dry-hair/

Bananas are not just good for eating, they also provide lots of benefits to your hair when applied as a mask! Bananas are a rich source of Vitamins, antioxidants, potassium, natural oils, and so much more goodness.

That’s why they are great tools for preventing/controlling dandruff, moisturizing your scalp, preventing split ends/hair breakage, and more! They also improve the hair’s natural elasticity, making them a sort of natural hair straightener, which is pretty amazing. Soft, straight and shiny hair – here I come!


  • 1 ripe banana (2 if you have long hair)
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 cup full-fat milk (you can also use coconut milk or yogurt)
  • 1 tablespoon butter (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice (optional)


  • Place banana/bananas in a blender (very ripe bananas work best for this recipe), or use a stick blender.
  • Add honey, coconut/ olive oil, and milk and blend really well until everything comes together in as one creamy consistency (make sure there are no chunks!).
  • Apply the mask on hair, making sure to cover everything from the roots to the ends.
  • Tie your hair into a lose bun (optionally cover it with a towel or shower cap to prevent drippage).
  • Leave on for 30 minutes, rinse, shampoo, and enjoy your gorgeous locks!

– Nourishing Mayonnaise Mask With Milk And Honey
Tutorial: http://naturalbeautytips.co/diy-mayonnaise-hair-mask/

Mayonnaise on its own has been known for its moisturizing properties, and that’s because of the ingredients that go into making it like egg whites, oil, and lemon. When you combine it with milk and honey like this recipe, it creates a trio of powerful forces that help rehydrate your hair and make it soft and luscious.


  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon milk, raw


  • Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl.
  • Apply it thoroughly into your hair, covering every strand of your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap.
  • Allow the mask to stay for an hour, and then shampoo your hair as usual.

2. Air Dry Whenever Possible

I know it seems like an impossible task to air dry your hair when you’re in a such a ready to get to work in the morning. But blow drying is not the best idea! For one, it can dry out your hair’s natural hydration because not only does it remove the surface moisture (i.e. water from your shower), but also the moisture that is essential to healthy hair and scalp. The heat from a blow dryer causes your hair to weaken because as it loses its moisture, it becomes rigid and breaks due to pressure.

So, try and limit the number of times you use the hair dryer. You don’t have to shower every day (in fact, its better if you don’t), so leave it for when you do have a bit of extra time. And only use a blow dryer if its absolutely essential!

3. Minimize The Amount of Hair Products You Use

Using a shit-ton of hair products is not uncommon in the modern-day woman’s life. Again, this can prove to be quite expensive but more importantly, it’s going to have the opposite effect on your locks than you wanted it to. That’s because store-bought hair products are full of chemicals. Now that isn’t always a terrible thing.

But, you shouldn’t be using so many different hair products because they will all have different chemicals and ingredients, which tend to add up, and that is a bad thing. So try and minimize the number of hair products you use. A soothing serum is your best option to handle those pesky fly-aways and repair split ends.
