What Causes Bad Breath?

As we said, halitosis can indicate gastric cancer, but that’s not the only cause of it. The following is a list of common causes of bad breath, according to the Mayo Clinic:

1. Food: Bacterial production in the mouth is increased when food particles are broken down, and this can result in unpleasant odors. Things like onions, garlic, spices, and other strong-smelling foods are quite notorious in making your breath smell bad.

2. Tobacco: Smoking or using other tobacco-related products can result in unpleasant mouth odors.

3. Dry Mouth: A dry mouth has a lower quantity of saliva, which results in bad breath. This is why our breath smells in the morning; it is even more apparent in people who sleep with their mouths open.

4. Poor Dental Hygiene: If you do not floss or brush your teeth in the right way, you are missing a whole lot of bacteria and tiny food particles that remain in your mouth and cause a bad scent. You would also need to clean your tongue regularly as it tends to form a layer of bacteria that can also smell putrid.

5. Infections: Dental infections such as tooth decay, gum disease, and dying teeth can all cause bad breath. Other infections in the mouth or even surgical wounds can do the same as well.

6. Postnatal Drip: When the mucus hardens in the tonsils, you will be letting out some seriously foul-smelling breath. This is why your breath smells bad when you have a cold. Chronic postnasal drip and sinus drainage can also have the same effect.

7. GERD: Standing for Gastroesophagal Reflux Disease, GERD occurs when there is excess acid in the stomach or chronic reflux of stomach acid. It is a common cause of bad breath. A cure for this diseases would automatically cure the unpleasant odors.

8. Other Causes: Certain types of metabolic diseases or even cancer can leave your breath smelling foul for a long time. Please do consult a doctor, especially if your breath smells metallic.
