2. Kate Winslet and Ned Rocknroll

Kate Winslet, the famous English actress is one of the most popular celebrities in the world. She is also the proud mother of 3 children. She had her first child with Jim Threapleton in 2000, a daughter named Mia. She then split from Jim and married director Sam Mendes, who farthered her second child in 2003, a son name Joe. After that marriage too ended, she married Ned Rocknroll in 2012. At the age of 37, Kate gave birth to their son Bear a year later.

She has said that despite a structure that people might consider “unconventional”, they are very happy and very much a family. Still she has managed to keep them away from the public’s eye, and she says the key is to stay away from social media – completely!

When asked why she insists on keeping everything quiet, she has said: “The reality is I absolutely love my little life…I trundle along; we have friends over; I make dinner. Sure, I could have lots of people who do the cooking, the driving, all that jazz — but I would be unhappy. I wouldn’t want my children raised that way.”
