
Eating pineapple slices or pineapple chunks can instantly give any occasion a tropical vibe. Unfortunately if you’re someone who suffers from an allergy to pineapples this can instead mean an itchy tongue and swollen lips, along with stomach aches.The symptoms are generally mild, but can be severe in the most sensitive people. If it is a more severe reaction you will get vomiting and hives.

While food allergies overall are common, allergy to pineapples in particular is quite rare. Nevertheless, if you notice discomfort or other symptoms after eating pineapple you should not ignore this because it could mean that you have a pineapple food allergy. Keep in mind that pineapple allergy symptoms can range from being mild to even being potentially life-threatening.

Out of the above symptoms of pineapple allergy, anaphylaxis is the most dangerous and can be life-threatening. If your pineapple allergy triggers anaphylaxis then you could go into shock within minutes and it can even be fatal.
