The View From The Bed

Imagine waking up in the morning, the sun shining on your face. You look out the window and see and endless expanse of sparkling blue water and sigh in contentment. And when sunset arrives, you can watch it from the comfort of your bed as well!

It’s Also Eco-Friendly

Designers are taking extra care in making sure that these homes are environment-friendly. The homes are built using a special type of insulation, which helps conserve 70% of electricity output.

The Marine Life

Despite what you might think, these home will not affect the lives of sea creatures, so there’s no need to worry. Developers even say that they believe the underwater deck is a great place for seahorses to live and breed.

The Ultimate Quiet Spot

If you’re someone that likes to spend time alone, and treasure your solitary time, then this is the perfect place for you. You can be sure that no one’s going to be dropping by unexpectedly or be disturbed by sounds of city life. If you’ve got the money to afford it, there’s no other place that you need to be.

Sources: My Modern Met, The Heart of Europe
