1. Not Eating What You Crave

That’s right, you shouldn’t be depriving yourself of your favorite foods, even if they may not exactly be the healthiest choice.

Cultivating a healthy body also means having a healthy mind. Constantly feeling guilty about what you want to eat can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. And what’s more, is that you’ll probably reach a point where you just can’t hold yourself back anymore. This is when you’ll binge-eat or overeat, bringing on more feelings of guilt and perpetuating an endless cycle of bad choices.

Instead, Zeitlin says that you should adopt the rule of “most of the time”, where you vow to eat nutritious and fresh foods for most meals, and then sometimes give in to whatever you’re craving for, even if it isn’t the healthiest of foods. As a dietitian, she says that not feeling anxious over your food choices will help you reach your health goals much faster.
