2.Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the name given to a group of fat-soluble prohormones required for the regulation of the minerals calcium and phosphorus found in the body. It also plays an important role in maintaining proper bone structure.and helps protect against depression, heart disease, and weight gain.

It also works to curb the growth of cancer cells. In fact, The analysis showed that people who took vitamin D supplements had a 13% lower risk of dying from cancer than those who took a placebo over the same period.

The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and by taking vitamin D supplements. You can’t get the right amount of vitamin D your body needs from food. The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight (ultraviolet B rays). Salmon.milk, eggs, and seafood such as cod, shrimp, and Chinook salmon contains vitamin D.
