1. Just Chill Out!

Nothing ages you like stress, so just chill out!

Stress is one of the main things that cause all kinds of problems to our bodies, both inside and out. When you are stressed, your bodily organs might not function properly or you might become mentally ill. These are things that will manifest in your appearance. Stress leads to things like sleep deprivation, and constant frowning due to stress can lead to the development of dark circles, under-eye bags, wrinkles, frown lines, drooping skin, etc.

Furthermore, when you are stressed, you won’t be in the mindset of taking care of yourself or your skin, which means you won’t be eating healthy (which is essential) or have a proper skincare routine. When someone is stressed, you can see it in their face and that’s something that instantly ages you at least 10 years. Therefore, it’s important that you try and de-stress your life. Identify what it is that is causing you anxiety and try to rectify/get rid of it.
