1. Fruit Smoothies

Everyone is fairly aware of the fact that sugar causes pimples, and I used to think that I was avoiding this unhealthy ingredient by ditching milkshakes and even sugar-laden coffee for fruit smoothies. You’re getting a good helping of natural fruit, and it’s delicious. What could go wrong, right?

The truth is that fruit smoothies aren’t as innocent as they seem. Fruit drinks that you get from cafes or prepackaged are full of added sugar. But even if you make them at home, they have high amounts of fructose, which is the natural sugar in the fruit. While fructose is also present in whole fruit, it acts differently when it has been blended up. When broken down, your body finds it much easier to access the fructose, having a similar effect to that of refined sugar.

According to the New York Times, “The fiber in whole fruit ‘acts as a net’ to slow down the process by which the body turns sugar from food into blood sugar.”

This is why drinking fruit smoothies – homemade or not – may be causing you to break out!
